Loplop Crosswords
Indie cryptic crosswords and occasional variety puzzles, published whenever I finish writing them.
Creator of cryptics.georgeho.org
To get updated on new crosswords, follow or subscribe to my Twitter, Mastodon, newsletter, or RSS feed.
- Hot Spots: Loplop Cryptic #020 (in lemonade disco!)
- Clue: Loplop Cryptic #019 [15×]
- Loplop Cryptic #018 [15×]
- Second Thoughts: Loplop Variety Quiptic #017 [13×]
- Loplop Puns and Anagrams #016 [11×]
- Loplop Cryptic #015 [15×]
- Last Round: Loplop Cryptic #014 (in lemonade disco!)
- Loplop Cryptic #013 [15×]
- Better Than One: Loplop Cryptic #012 (with Aaron Riccio!)
- Loplop Cryptic #011 [5×]
- In One Basket: Loplop Variety #010 (with The Rackenfracker!)
- Loplop Quiptic #009 [11×]
- Spitting Straight Fire: Loplop Cryptic #008 [15×]
- Loplop Quiptic #007 [9×]
- Loplop Cryptic #006 [15×]
- Loplop Cryptic #005 [11×]
- Loplop Cryptic #004 [15×]
- Loplop Cryptic #003 [7×]
- Loplop Cryptic #002 [11×]
- Loplop Cryptic #001 [13×]