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I made a Vim plugin for Stan!

I’ve been reading and writing a lot of Stan lately, but mainly in barebones text editors (or even just by cating out the file), so I had to make do with none of the creature comforts of my favorite text editor, Vim.

But I also wasn’t happy with the syntax highlighting provided by existing Vim plugins (and they also looked out of date and thinly maintained…), so I just went ahead and learnt a truckload of Vimscript1.

Check out the plugin! You can find installation instructions here and documentation here. Screenshots of syntax highlighting and projects links are below.

Screenshot of a Stan model in stan-vim Screenshot of the stan-vim documentation Screenshot of another Stan model in stan-vim
Screenshots of stan-vim syntax highlighting.

GitHub VimAwesome Vim Online

  1. As it turns out, Vimscript is a very not-good language. This is probably the last Vim plugin I write. 

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